MAX QUALITY GEAR is a leading quality Manufacturers and Exporters of wide range of Boxing, Martial Arts equipment, MMA Fight Gears, Weight Lifting Gears, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Accessories.
Total satisfaction of our valued customers is our prime goal. Our team of highly Skilled Professionals pays attention to every single detail to produce highest quality products. Technically perfect yet reasonable priced, timely deliveries, fast Communication, reliable and friendly customer support services makes us unique.
MAX QUALITY GEAR: We use finest quality carefully selected materials which comply with international Standards as well as we take full responsibility for human rights within the Organization and always follow Local Industrial & ILO Convention Laws. We are CE and ISO 9001 Certified and are being audited twice a year as well as various social code of conducts from buyers covering the following areas:
MAX QUALITY GEAR: Our wide production unit has the capacity to produce goods in bulk quantity with the desired delivery period of our customers. Every product can stand any test of international quality standards. All the articles give the actual performance accordance with scientific views of actual working conditions.
We are members of:
- Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association
- Sporting Goods Industry
- Pakistan Sports Goods Manufacturers & Exporters Association
- Pakistan Gloves Manufacturer and Exporter Association
- Sialkot Chamber of Commerce & Industries
- Trade Development Authority of Pakistan
Thank you for your time and visiting our online catalogue. Should you have any inquiry please feel free to contact with us by email or phone at any time.
We look forward working with you!!! Best Compliments From,